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Enjoy Playing Piano The Creative Way

This program is the latest series of workshops that we are embarking on to encourage music students to creatively apply their musical ideas to a piece of music and perform it. In doing so, we hope to open their minds to a world of musical joy that they can derived from having learned music. There is talent in everyone but any talent will stay unseen and unheard unless allowed to shine. We hope that we can interest the students at this workshop to get creative with their music and enjoy what they are doing.

The students are of Grade 3 level and above. The theme of the workshop requires the students to attempt arranging a simple piece of music employing the musical knowledge and experience they have had so far. Through the years studying music theory and playing various styles of music, the students should have quite many ideas to use in their arrangement.

For this program, the students are to select a piece from Playing Piano Is Fun Book 4 and arrange it according to their skill level. The workshop discuses, offers and explores various ideas that the students can use in their arrangement. Examples using various ideas were also demonstrated at the piano.

Such an event is a completely new experience for these students. It is a start that hopefully will have a long term positive effect on the students. We just want students to enjoy learning and performing music.

The video clip below shows a young student at the workshop performing his arrangement of a simple 16 bar song titled 'The Grinning Cheshire-Cat' on page 26 of the Playing Piano Is Fun Book 4.

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