Rhythm MP's annual music jamboree was held recently from 6 - 11 June 2011 in Penang. Participating music teachers from around the region were checked into a downtown hotel in the Heritage enclave where the jamboree was held. Obviously, the purpose is to let them discover historical Georgetown on their own and savor what Penang has to offer.
The four-day event was divided between the workshop program at the hotel's conference room and a hands-on program with students at the Penang Chinese Girl's Primary School. The main feature of the jamboree is the opportunity to explore ideas for creative and fun music lessons, and test the ideas with music students. Below are the teachers with the Headmistress Mdm. Ewe Beng Guat (front row 3rd from left) and Ms. June Loo (front row 2nd from left), the music teacher and key person from the school who was instrumental in recruiting students for the jamboree.

The workshop program also includes creative and stimulating activities for individual music instruction that is more synonymous with piano teachers. Activities involve exploring ways to put music theory into practice, ways to instill musicality and musicianship in the students, etc. A session on rhythmic activities was also conducted by Ms. Lucy L, who is the co-author of the Because Of Love series of publications from Rhythm MP.
In the itinerary was a visit to the Music Department, School of Arts at the Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM). This visitation has been an annual affair from three years go. It gives the teachers an opportunity to experience tertiary level education, though just for a few hours. It also serves to inspire them to constantly upgrade and be better at what they do.

The jamboree teachers were addressed by Mr. Victor Kam, Head of the Music Department who spoke about the music department and the university's music program offerings.
Following Victor's opening address, the jamboree teachers were treated to two short lectures by Dr. Jason Tye and Dr. Yumi Yoshioka.

With the various activities and ideas explored during the entire course of the jamboree, teachers leave with a mind full of exciting activities for their students. Having experienced the hands-on workshop with students, their teaching and instruction skills can be further developed. We hope all the teachers had an enjoyable and productive time in Penang. We thank you for your time with us and we wish you success in your musical endeavors.
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